[reSIProcate] Hi guys, am I in the right place?

Jason Fischl jason at counterpath.com
Thu Oct 13 09:41:43 CDT 2005

Take a look at https://scm.sipfoundry.org/rep/sipX/main/bbridge/src.
This shows an example application using resiprocate for SIP signaling
and sipXmedia for all media tasks.


On 10/13/05, Henrik Ingo <henrik.ingo at sesca.com> wrote:
> Hi guys
> It seems to me, that there are great Open Source sip-proxies out there,
> but not so many great OSS softphones. Especially if we disregard the
> Linux-only ones. SipXPhone is one of the better, but even that falls
> into the same category with many freeware phones, they all have a lousy
> phone like interface which is not even close to being user friendly. I
> would like to see something that could seriously compete with Skype. But
> then, who wouldn't... In fact, pulver.Communicator is the only one I
> found if we go so far as to accept freeware. (And even that is currently
> windows only.) So there is clearly a void to fill here.
> So the question is, what would we the easiest road to get there, and how
> long will that road be?
> Some more specific questions:
> 1) Outside of Sipfoundry, do you know of any good cross-platform SIP/RTP
> stacks that even compete with you? Open Source, obviously.
> 2) In Sipfoundry we find the SipXtapi suite of libraries, and a more
> recent reSIProcate. It seems to me that
>   * SipXtapi is a fairly easy api, I say "call this person" and the
> stack takes care of the rest.
>   * SipXtapi knows nothing about instant messaging or presence. ("TAPI"
> is about phones anyway.)
>   * reSIProcate does, and is more featureful anyway
>   * reSIProcate too is quite easy to use, thanks to DUM
>   * reSIProcate otoh, is only about SIP, so I'll need an RTP stack from
> somewhere
> The actual question: Have I understood this correctly?
> 3) Looking at this:
> http://warsaw.sjc.purplecomm.com/wiki/index.php?title=Strawman_Task_List
> it seems someone might have asked himself these same questions and also
> some others I don't even know to ask yet. Final questions therefore: Am
> I in the right place asking these questions? Is someone also on his way
> doing the best OSS softphone ever on resiprocate? Would it be a good
> idea to do that?
> henrik ingo
> finland, where supposedly our president looks like Conan O'Brien
> --
> Henrik.Ingo at sesca.com
> +358-40-5697354
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