[reSIProcate] Autotools after the directory reorg
Robert Sparks
rjsparks at nostrum.com
Mon Oct 10 12:33:09 CDT 2005
Jay -
I've pretty much given up on an autotools based parallel build system.
While there are a few things that it does that the custom build
system doesn't do,
the warts that come with it appear to be too much for most of this
community to live with. I'm going to try to see if putting effort
into getting it to do
those things will pay off better than trying to maintain the extra
build system.
Among those are:
+ being able to build separate pieces of the project independently,
other parts that may already be built. (The current notion of all
the projects having
to live in particular relative places in the filesystem is
something we need to address).
+ being able to configure against different instances of third party
(such as different versions of bdb as you were running into below).
This needs to be scriptable (being able to specify everything on
the configure
command line is sufficient).
+ making sure that the resulting built libraries can be _used_ from
other autotools
based projects without having to "install" them.
What else is missing from your perspective?
On Oct 8, 2005, at 12:38 PM, Jay Hogg wrote:
> Dev Group,
> This may seem like a delayed response but I held off on updating after
> the re-org because I had a working project I was trying to get
> finished. Today I updated and everything built correctly using the
> Vovida build system - except repro kept aborting on Berkley. Turns
> out
> it was picking up the db4 headers and the db4.2 libraries (I'm on
> Gentoo).
> So I went to switch to Autotools to see if it got everything correctly
> without hacks. Bad move. Autotools is still assuming the pre-reog
> directory structure.
> I'm willing to put the time in to get everything back running under
> Autotools but some questions...
> 1) Is there still interest in using/supporting autotools?
> 2) At one time you were moving this direction - is there a preferred
> build system in the future?
> 3) Would you take the patches if I put them together?
> Moving forward, the new directory structure breaks the current
> autotools
> partitioning between "stack/dum" and "repro" vs rutil because you
> can't
> have a dependancy one level up the tree - configure would have to run
> from main to encompass rutil. Thoughts/concerns/ideas?
> Jay
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