[reSIProcate] The "role" of the resip objects... andmyunderstanding of them

Matthias Moetje moetje at terasens.de
Sun Oct 9 17:52:01 CDT 2005


if you read my message more carefully, you will
find that I answered most questions already. 

> I've done that...  but we also have AppDialogSets....  and 
> this is most confusing to me....

> > You should also have a call object. An AppDialogSet
> > is equivalent to a call (a call can have several
> > AppDialogs = request/response). The call object
> > could probably inherit from AppDialogSet.

> What exactly is a "Call object"?  Is this an object relating to
> handling of a single call? 

> > You should also have a call object. An AppDialogSet
> > is equivalent to a call

> So - would I use "ServerInviteSessionHandler" even though I'm 
> implementing
> a SIP Phone? 

> > - ClientInviteSessionHandler
> >  (receive callbacks from outgoing calls
> >
> > - ServerInviteSessionHandler
> >  (receive callbacks from incoming calls)

> a conference call?   Would I have one for each participant in
> my conference call?


> > In the main app class where you receive callbacks
> > you can cast the handles (like InvitSessionHandle)
> > to your TestAppDialogSet object from which you can get a pointer to 
> > your call object.

see http://warsaw.sjc.purplecomm.com/wiki/index.php?title=DUM_Associating_Application_Data_with_DialogSets_and_Dialogs

Best regards,


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