[reSIProcate] Porting Resiprocate on WinCe

Noiile noiile at hotmail.com
Fri Oct 7 22:22:28 CDT 2005

Lorenzo, Hello 

I compile it ok on vs2005, but I found some bugs of vs2005 wince compiler, it will make dum can not work, I have no idea to resolve it :(, 
Detail visit: http://forums.microsoft.com/msdn/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=98623

the error you meet is very easy to fix, you just rename it, don't use "try".

Noiile, noiile at hotmail.com
----- Receiving the following content ----- 
Receiver: Lorenzo 
Receiver: resiprocate-devel 
Time: 2005-10-04, 02:09:52
Subject: [reSIProcate] Porting Resiprocate on WinCe

Hi all,
I must develop an application on Windows Mobile 5.0 and I want to use 
I try to compile the Solution on VisualStudio2005 but it give me a lot 
of errors. Can someone give me some suggestion of how to port the 
library or public the Solution?
I read old emails and I try to ask google but informations are not very 
I user resiprocate 0.9.0 (latest tarball available on the site).

I tried starting to port Ares and I do the following steps:

1)Make a new project for PocketPc2003 and Import Ares files
2) I Impost WIN32 flag and c++ compilation
3) Some files miss: like sys/types.h and errno.h . I tried to import 
these files (and their implementations) from wcecompat library, changing 
the include but now I have thousand of error. One example? Ares define 
an integer "try", and of course in c++ try is a reserved keywords. 
Otherwise if I compile Ares as C lib, It give me another error saying me 
that it want to be c++.

I really appreciate any suggestion (expetially the whole solution! :-) )


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