[reSIProcate] Resiprocate on Fedora Core 4 ?

Roy Ashok rashok at qualcomm.com
Fri Oct 7 16:02:51 CDT 2005

Has anyone got resiprocate working on fedora core 4 ?

To get started, I used the code below, and it gives me a segmentation fault 
on sip stack creation.

#include "resiprocate/SipStack.hxx"

int main( int argc char **argv)
     SipStack stack;

I am using:
Linux volt-bld-server 2.6.12-1.1447_FC4 #1 Fri Aug 26 20:29:51 EDT 2005 
i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

Any pointers  ?

Thanks a lot for your help.

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