[reSIProcate] newbie user questions: BasicCall.cxx, addDigestCredential.

Alexander Altshuler alt at kaluga.ru
Thu Oct 6 09:23:32 CDT 2005

>From UserProfile.hxx:

virtual void setDigestCredential( const Data& realm, 
                                        const Data& user, 
                                        const Data& password);

Method's name was changed not long ago.


-----Original Message-----
From: resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org
[mailto:resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org] On Behalf Of
zedine at free.fr
Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2005 5:47 PM
To: resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
Subject: [reSIProcate] newbie user questions:

hello all :)

I know it is the developper mailing list, but since there is no user mailing
list ...
I am very new to your project. I am planning to include and use it in a
softphone built in c# with visual studio.net.
I've read lots of this mailing list, and it's seems i'm not the only one
not enough code comments or documentations about the stack or dum.
there are still lots of things i'm not anderstanding, so if anybody from the
team have some free time to answer some quesions, that would be apreciated.

i'm trying to work and change the BasicCall.cxx file, but it's not working.
want to make it register to a distant server using login and pass, so i put
everythinng relating to server in comment, and also NO_REGISTRATION in
forcing it to register. and i replaced this line:

dumUac->getMasterProfile()->addDigestCredential( "foo.net", "derek at foo.net",
"pass6" );

with my actual server/login/pass strings. but it says:

error C2039: 'addDigestCredential' : is not a member of

where is it defined ? i can't find it in the resiprocate project.

other question, how can I send a request to the server ? invite, ack, bye,
cancel, options, and register.
last but not least, how should I modify onAnswer() to make it print all
answers ? something in SipMessage but what ?
If I have other questions, are you willing to allow me to post them here too

thanks a lot for your work and your answers.
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