[reSIProcate] Stun info in via/contact headers

Amit Rastogi akrastogi at gmail.com
Mon Oct 3 17:59:58 CDT 2005

I am using ser. it checks my src address which is internal ( i do not know
whether i can hide that using resip stack) and determines that i am behind a
nat even though i am specifying contact address as taken from stun.
 Any ideas ?

 On 10/3/05, Martin Sunstrum <msunstrum at aksysnetworks.com> wrote:
> Hello Amit,
>   What proxy server are you using ?
>    We typically leave the Via field with the internal address.
>   But we have seen other UAs such as X-Ten use the external address.
>   In testing out with proxies, we have found that SipPhone proxy seems to
> desire the Via with the **external** address, otherwise it won't properly
> STUN the SDP information.
>   Kind of a hassle ....
>  Regards,
>  Martin
> -----Original Message-----
> *From:* resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org [mailto:
> resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org]*On Behalf Of *Amit Rastogi
> *Sent:* Monday, October 03, 2005 2:56 PM
> *To:* resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
> *Subject:* [reSIProcate] Stun info in via/contact headers
>  Hello,
>  here is some more info on the actual problem i am having.
> Should via also be populated with ip/port on the external or should it be
> internal address of UA ?
>  my assumption here is that if i make message from UA behind a NAT look
> alike msg from a UA on the public, proxy would not treat this as a natted
> client and try to use relay etc. for media.
>  As mentioned in discussion on the list here is what i am doing
>  1. using addtransport( udp, 5060)
> 2. setting contact using overrideaddressandport() and ip:port is the
> external ip:port returned by stun.
> 3. setting via with the outside address. if i set via port (via.sentPort())
> to external port also, client does not register with the proxy.
>  Still, my proxy is treating the UA as behind the NAT. Can someone please
> let me know if this is all reqd from the client UA as far as STUN support is
> concerned. if i narrow it down to UA vs proxy issue, that would be a great
> help..
>  THanks
> Amit
>  On 10/1/05, Amit Rastogi <akrastogi at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> >  I am using stun to get the address/port on the nat and set the
> > overrideaddressandport with it. is that all need to be done? I am able to
> > register with the proxy but when i establish a session with other endpoint,
> > only the initiator can end the session.
> >  is there anything else i would need to do for STUN support ?
> >  thanks,
> > AR
> >
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