[reSIProcate] dns lookups

Scott Lawrence slawrence at pingtel.com
Fri Sep 30 07:44:42 CDT 2005

On Thu, 2005-09-29 at 17:30 -0700, Jason Fischl wrote:
> It looks like if a request is targeted at:
> sip:jason at example.com;transport=tls and there is no SRV record,
> resiprocate will use port 5061. Is this correct?

If you mean 'is this what resiprocate should do', then I believe the
answer is yes.  If there is  no explicit port specified and no SRV
record, then the default port for the transport is used.  For SIP/TLS
that's 5061.

Scott Lawrence, Consulting Engineer
Pingtel Corp.  http://www.pingtel.com/
tel:+1-781-938-5306;ext=162 or sip:slawrence at pingtel.com

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