[reSIProcate] Still some confusion I need clarification on.

Scott Godin slgodin at icescape.com
Thu Sep 29 08:19:18 CDT 2005

For UAC - your application creates the AppDialogSet and passes it into the
makeXXXX functions.  The factory is used only for UAS.

-----Original Message-----
From: resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org
[mailto:resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org] On Behalf Of John
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2005 2:33 AM
To: Resip Devel
Subject: [reSIProcate] Still some confusion I need clarification on.


In the BasicCall.cxx module in dum/test directory, is the following code

   auto_ptr<AppDialogSetFactory> uac_dsf(new testAppDialogSetFactory);

I presume this code is referring to the Client side....

In looking at the definition of the "testAppDialogSetFactory",  it is 
defined as such...

class testAppDialogSetFactory : public AppDialogSetFactory
   virtual AppDialogSet* createAppDialogSet(DialogUsageManager& dum, 
const SipMessage& msg)
   {  return new testAppDialogSet(dum, Data("UAS") + Data("(") + 
getMethodName(msg.header(h_RequestLine).getMethod()) + Data(")"));  }
   // For a UAS the testAppDialogSet will be created by DUM using this 
function.  If you want to set
   // Application Data, then one approach is to wait for 
onNewSession(ServerInviteSessionHandle ...)
   // to be called, then use the ServerInviteSessionHandle to get at the 
AppDialogSet or AppDialog,
   // then cast to your derived class and set the desired application data.

NOTE:  it is referring to UAS....  but isn't this the server side?  Is 
this implying that
"testAppDialogSetFactory" can be used to make a factory for both server 
and client?
If this is the case,  then why is it setting the data to "UAS" as you 
see above?
Shouldn't this be UAC?   I'm only working on a client part... so am only 
in making a DUM Client and not a server.

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