[reSIProcate] Something very confusing...

John Draper lists at webcrunchers.com
Thu Sep 29 04:17:59 CDT 2005


Still having lots and lots of problems compiling this piece of code...   
take a look
below...  this is from BasicCall.cxx

class testAppDialogSet : public AppDialogSet
   testAppDialogSet(DialogUsageManager& dum, Data SampleAppData) : 
AppDialogSet(dum), mSampleAppData(SampleAppData)
      cout << mSampleAppData << ": testAppDialogSet: created." << endl;  
   virtual ~testAppDialogSet()
      cout << mSampleAppData << ": testAppDialogSet: destroyed." << endl;  
   virtual AppDialog* createAppDialog(const SipMessage& msg)
      return new testAppDialog(mDum, mSampleAppData);  
   virtual UserProfile* selectUASUserProfile(const SipMessage& msg)
      cout << mSampleAppData << ": testAppDialogSet: UAS UserProfile 
requested for msg: " << msg.brief() << endl;  
      return mDum.getMasterProfile();
   Data mSampleAppData;

When I conpile this,  I get...

cannot convert `resip::MasterProfile*' to `resip::UserProfile*' in return

As you can see in the return statement in the "selectUASUserProfile" method,
it appears to return a MasterProfile object,  but it is declared as 
returning a
UserProfile * - is this a mistake?   If so,  what should it be?

Is this a bug?   why am I getting this?  I copied this directly from the 
test application,
so there shouldn't be any reason why it isn't compiling.  Also,  where 
is 'mDum' defined at?
see how it is used in the return argument in the "createAppDialog" 
method above.....


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