[reSIProcate] 100rel and digest authentication

Jeremy Geras jgeras at newheights.com
Mon Sep 26 14:49:18 CDT 2005

Hi there,

I've encountered the following scenario, using the resiprocate stack alone
(without DUM):

I send an INVITE (WITHOUT an Authorization header, but WITH a Supported:
100rel) and get back a 401 response. OK.  The 401 response also includes
"Supported: 100rel".

When resiprocate receives this 401 response, it decides to send an ACK and
terminate the transaction.  I believe the responsible code is in
TransactionState.cxx, method processClientInvite():

            else if (code >= 300)
               // When in either the "Calling" or "Proceeding" states,
reception of a
               // response with status code from 300-699 MUST cause the
               // transaction to transition to "Completed".
               if (mIsReliable)
                  // Stack MUST pass the received response up to the TU, and
the client
                  // transaction MUST generate an ACK request, even if the
transport is
                  // reliable
                  SipMessage* invite = mMsgToRetransmit;
                  mMsgToRetransmit = Helper::makeFailureAck(*invite, *sip);
                  delete invite;
                  // want to use the same transport as was selected for
                  assert(mTarget.getType() != UNKNOWN_TRANSPORT);

                  sendToTU(msg); // don't delete msg
                  delete this;

My question is: where's the bug here?  I think I'm using 100rel correctly,
but maybe not.  Any advice would be appreciated.

 - Jeremy -

Jeremy Geras
Software Developer,
NewHeights Software
jgeras at newheights.com

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