[reSIProcate] Problem with respect to Tag field

Asheesh Joshi asjoshi at varaha.com
Sat Sep 24 00:40:45 CDT 2005

What is mstack ? Are you ensuring you have created a pointer to
dialogUserManager and then doing a MakeInviteSession to create the new Sip
INVITE message ? You have not stated how your setting the To field...

It should be done something like....

Sipmessage = dumInstance->MakeInviteSession(AddressOfRecord,sdp,

Then u can modify  the To field like
Sipmessage.header.(h_to).uri().host()= myUri;


-----Original Message-----
From: resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org
[mailto:resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org] On Behalf Of sumit
Sent: Friday, September 23, 2005 11:46 PM
To: resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
Subject: [reSIProcate] Problem with respect to Tag field

Hi All

There is a very strange problem that I am facing now.
When I am framing the messages say invite and bye in that case what I am
finding is that the tag is not set properly on the TO side.In the Invite
message where  the  tag is not  to be present I am finding the Tag is
present with the tag field (TO) in the message set to SIP tag : udp > (On
analysing with ethereal capture) In a similar way when I am framing the bye
message too I am coming across the problem where I am finding SIP tag : udp
> in the TO field of the SIP message.
The fields which I am setting and then constructing are given below for a
better understanding

 char *proto ="udp";
 NameAddr target
 target.uri().scheme() = "sip";
 target.uri().user() = "sumit";
 target.uri().port() = 5060;
 target.uri().param(p_transport) = proto;

 NameAddr contact;
 contact.uri().host() = "";
 contact.uri().port() = 5060;
 contact.uri().user() = "sumit";

  auto_ptr<SipMessage> message(Helper::makeRequest( target, contact, BYE));

If anyone has come across a similar problem can you let me know what is to
be done as observing the same problem whenever I am constructing a message
using the Helper class.Is there any other method the messages can be

An early response will be really beneficial.


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