[reSIProcate] Load testing issue with RESIP. Any comments ?

Asheesh Joshi asjoshi at varaha.com
Fri Sep 16 06:26:03 CDT 2005


   During testing of my B2BUA built on RESIP with iSIP test tool is giving a
strange behavior.
Here is the scenario...

I have a customized iSip tool that can simulate 100 calls. Ie. The tools
generates 100 INVITEs and after receiving 100  200 OKs, it generates 100
BYEs after X amount of ( pause )time. Then the tool waits Y seconds and the
cycle starts all over again for 100 users. Both these times X and Y are

During this load testing what I have observed is that when the 2nd cycle of
100 calls starts, the RESIP rejects the INVITE from the users if the time Y
is less than 25 seconds. Its important to note that these INVITEs in the 2nd
cycle contain the same tag and branch Ids as in the previous cycle but a
different Call ID . 

However, resiprocate drops the INVITE message in the
TransactionState.cxx:1230 with error "Dropping a transmitted INVITE in stale
server transaction! "

This looks like Resiprocate does not flush out its timer for the previous

I can get over this problem by increasing the time Y  between two cycles of
100 calls.  This time seems to be around 25 seconds.   

Can someone tell me why does the Resiprocate not flush its transcation
untill 25 seconds ?


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