[reSIProcate] Another minor issue: wrong reason text sent by rejectNIT

Alan Stokes alan at alanstokes.org.uk
Thu Sep 15 06:40:33 CDT 2005

If I call InviteSession::rejectNIT after (for example) receiving an INFO 
message, it sends a response beginning:
SIP/2.0 488 OK
rather than the expected
SIP/2.0 488 Not Acceptable Here

The reason is that the response message is pre-built (with 200 OK) when the 
INFO is received, and rejectNIT changes the status code but doesn't change 
the reason text.

It might be useful to factor out the code that computes the text from the 
status code from Helper::makeResponse into a separate helper function, so 
rejectNIT can make use of it.

I suspect the same problem affects acceptNIT, if anyone were ever to pass a 
status code other than the default 200 to it.

- Alan
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