[reSIProcate] PATCH: UdpTransport.cxx MSG_PEEK

Theo Zourzouvillys theo at crazygreek.co.uk
Tue Sep 13 15:24:30 CDT 2005

On Tuesday 13 September 2005 21:17, Theo Zourzouvillys wrote:
> This patch peeks the socket first to allocate the correct amount of memory
> for the incoming packet, or bail out before allocating any on encountering
> an error.

hmmm, DtlsTransport inherits from UdpTransport, so the code will need to be 
replicated there too, or at least move UdpTransport::MaxBufferSize from 
UdpTransport to DtlsTransport :/

 ~ Theo

Theo P. Zourzouvillys

People who enjoy waiving flags don't deserve to have one
  -- Santa's Ghetto 2004, Banksy

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