[reSIProcate] Minor point: passing shared pointers

Alan Stokes alan at alanstokes.org.uk
Tue Sep 13 08:14:40 CDT 2005

There are fair number of places in the code where SharedPtrs are being 
passed by reference, when actually const reference would be more 
appropriate. For example DialogUsageManager.hxx has
void setMasterProfile(SharedPtr<MasterProfile>& masterProfile);
instead of
void setMasterProfile(SharedPtr<MasterProfile> const & masterProfile);

(You aren't going to modify my copy of the SharedPtr, only make your own 
copy of it.) 

I came across this because I tend to make absolutely everything I can const 
- and if I have a const SharedPtr I can't pass it to one of these functions. 

- Alan
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