[reSIProcate] I sek advice on how I can un-register,or logout from SIP proxy

John Draper lists at webcrunchers.com
Mon Sep 12 17:58:23 CDT 2005

Scott Godin wrote:

>>I need to now have the ability to logout, or UnRegister from the SIP
>>server.   I already wrote the code,  but just not sure if I'm
>>supposed to release the memory allocation of my DUM subclass,
>>or just keep it around in case I need it....  The test code in the
>>obviously cannot show how this is done,   I can't figure out how
>>from just looking at the source code modules.
>[Scott Godin] Both DUM and stack should stay around as long as you need
>to send/receive any SIP messaging.  You call end() or removeAll(true) on
>the ClientRegistrationHandle to unregister.
Oh,  Ok...  I wasn't sure about this....  want to avoid all unnecssary 
and deallocations.  Thanx a lot.

>>Log::initialize(Log::Cout, resip::Log::Debug, "SipPhone",
>>Which does NOT write the logs into "/tmp/siplog", BTW..  instead it
>>writes logs into Console,  which is also OK with me so far.  Is this a
>[Scott Godin] Log::Cout will go to console.  You should use Log::file to
>go to file.
Oh,  OK...   is that mentioned anywhere,  like in some obscure header 
file or

Again,  thanx a lot.


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