[reSIProcate] Mapping SipMessage to TransactionState

Sandeep Sharma ssharma at jabber.com
Mon Sep 12 12:14:08 CDT 2005


I am trying to understand some of ther inner workings of the stack..
Especially the mapping of a SipMessage to a TransactionState.
SipMessage::getTransactionId() is used to see if an existing
TransactionState exists fot this tid. Looking at
SipMessage::getTransactionId(), it just looks up the transactionId on
the BranchParameter on the Via header. 

As per a suggestion earlier, I am now calling
for each SUBSCRIBE.

My question is: I expected transactionId to be a function of some of the
headers in the message (like cseq, callid etc), but from the following
code, it looks like it is a random number.

Can someone explain please?

BranchParameter::reset(const Data& transactionId)
   mHasMagicCookie = true;
   mIsMyBranch = true;

   mTransportSeq = 1;
   if (!transactionId.empty())
      mTransactionId = transactionId;
      mTransactionId = Random::getRandomHex(8);

Sandeep Sharma <ssharma at jabber.com>

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