[reSIProcate] assert in TransactionState::sendToWire under load

Scott Godin slgodin at icescape.com
Fri Sep 9 15:11:12 CDT 2005

Are you ensuring that each branch is unique?  Ie:


Also - if you are using Windows (and old versions of resip) - you must
make sure each thread creating/sending requests seeds the random number

Hope this helps.


-----Original Message-----
From: resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org
[mailto:resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org] On Behalf Of
Sandeep Sharma
Sent: Friday, September 09, 2005 3:55 PM
To: resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
Subject: [reSIProcate] assert in TransactionState::sendToWire under load


I am still seeing this assert fire under a load test.. The assert is in
TransactionState::sendToWire (for a client non-invite). In the following
code, the assert that fires is "assert(mTarget.getType() !=

Poking into the core, I found this in the mDnsResult:
mTarget = "dev5.corp.jabber.com"
mSRVKey = "_sip."
mTransport = TLS
mPort = -1
pType = Pending

Of course this->mTarget is some default value, with type =
UNKNOWN_TRANSPORT. Looks like it has not been assigned any value after
the object was constructed.

It appears that a DNS query for dev5.corp.jabber.com is still getting
resolved when a second message is sent on the same TransactionState.
Under what conditions can this happen?

Related: When is TransactionState deleted? I am assuming SipStack takes
care of it.

The scenario is that a a lot of users are logging in, resulting in a lot
of SUBSCRIBEs getting generated and sent out. What can I do to ensure
that each of these SUBSCRIBEs gets a unique TransactionState object? In
my application code, I am not using DUM. But I am adding the Via header
and branch parameter. I am using resiprocate version from April since
0.9.0 did not work well for me. Under functional test, everything seems
to work fine.

Any help is appreciated since this is holding up an important release.

   else if (mDnsResult == 0 && !mIsCancel) // no dns query yet
      StackLog (<< "sendToWire with no dns result: " << *this);
      mDnsResult = mController.mTransportSelector.createDnsResult(this);
      mController.mTransportSelector.dnsResolve(mDnsResult, sip);
      assert(mDnsResult); // !ah! is this really an assertion or an

      // do it now, if there is an immediate result
      if (mDnsResult->available() == DnsResult::Available)
   else // reuse the last dns tuple
      assert(mTarget.getType() != UNKNOWN_TRANSPORT);
      if (resend)
         mController.mTransportSelector.retransmit(sip, mTarget);
         mController.mTransportSelector.transmit(sip, mTarget);
Sandeep Sharma <ssharma at jabber.com>

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