[reSIProcate] Using DUM to perform an invite with non-SDP body

Noiile noiile at hotmail.com
Thu Sep 8 20:10:25 CDT 2005

Alan Stokes, Hello 

This is a issue, because many features in the future will use INVITE without SDP content.
Does DUM want to support it ?

Noiile, noiile at hotmail.com
----- Receiving the following content ----- 
Receiver: Alan Stokes 
Receiver: Jason Fischl 
Time: 2005-09-08, 01:03:50
Subject: Re: [reSIProcate] Using DUM to perform an invite with non-SDP body

On 9/7/05, Jason Fischl <jason at sipedge.com> wrote:
This is an interesting point. What non-SDP contents were you planning
on using in your INVITE?

CSTA over XML (application/csta+xml, ECMA TR-87). A seriously weird protocol that uses SIP INVITE and INFO to exchange XML messages.

As currently implemented, InviteSession and InviteSessionHandler are
very much tied to SDP and offer/answer exchanges. If you want to make 
new session types that are based on different contents, you would be
best off deriving a new Session class from DialogUsage. and also
making up a new Handler class. Depending on what it looks like, it
might be possible to refactor and put some of the code from 
InviteSession in a common base class.

OK, I'll have a look into that. There's an awful lot of InviteSession* I don't currently understand though.


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