[reSIProcate] enum support in resip

Nils Ohlmeier lists at ohlmeier.org
Thu Sep 8 17:30:48 CDT 2005

On Wednesday 07 September 2005 03:11, Jason Fischl wrote:
> On 9/6/05, Jason Fischl <jason at sipedge.com> wrote:
> > On 8/31/05, Jason Fischl <jason at sipedge.com> wrote:
> > > I think what you are suggesting is what I meant. For example, the
> > > following examples would do an enum lookup in the e164.org suffix.
> > >
> > > tel:+14155551212;enumSuffix=e164.org
> > > sip:+14155551212 at sipedge.com;user=phone;enumSuffix=e164.org

Yes, I meant the same.

> > What is it that determines that an enum lookup should be done on a
> > target URI? For now, is it safe to assume that an enum lookup should
> > be done if the first character of the user portion of the URI is '+'?
> >
> > We could additionally only do enum lookups if user=phone or for tel
> > uris. Opinions?

Snom phones do enum lookups if the user=phone is present in the URI. But from 
a stack perspective I think this should be highly configurable. I could 
imagine  two options:
- do enum lookups on leading +: on/off
- do enum lookups on user=phone: on/off
and if the enumSuffix is present it should be obvious to try a lookup.

> If the target URI is sips but the enum lookup produces a sip URI what
> should the application do? Should it continue to use sips or assume
> that the enum lookup failed?

It fails to same question, if you should switch to a sip URI if sips was 
requested. I think the answer is no, because someone/somethink requested 
secure signaling which isn't present then any more. Thus the enum lookup 
should fail IMHO.
Although this leads to a funny question: is PSTN signaling secure? Or more 
secure then a sip connection (compared to a sips connection)?
Because if the enum lookup fails (sips!=sip) the call gets probably routed to 
a gateway then. Assume the signaling is secure up to the gateway it gets 
converted into a (un-) secure PSTN call.... it gets even more funny if this 
call wants to use SRTP... assuming no gateway can establish encrypted calls 
on the PSTN side shouldn't be completed then.


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