[reSIProcate] Exchanging INFO messages with DUM

Alan Stokes alan at alanstokes.org.uk
Wed Sep 7 11:48:37 CDT 2005

If I'm understanding things right (which is a big if right now), once I've 
got an InviteSession going I can send an INFO message by calling 
InviteSession::info, and I can receive an INFO message by implementing 
InviteSessionHandler::onInfo. And I can receive the response to an INFO I 
send by implementing the onInfoSuccess and onInfoFailure functions.

However, how can I send a response message to an INFO? I can see 
InviteSession::acceptInfo (and rejectInfo), but they only parameter they 
accept is a status code. I'd like to be able to send a response to an INFO 
with more information in the message (specifically I'd like to attach a body 
to the message). Is there any way I can do that?


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