[reSIProcate] Multiple non-invite client transactions

Keohane, Stephen Stephen.Keohane at scansoft.com
Tue Sep 6 17:06:54 CDT 2005



After re-reading my post, I see how unclear my original post was 


Here is what I am seeing:


UAC ---- invite --> UAS

UAC <--  200 ---- UAS

UAC ---- ACK --> UAS


2 seconds later:


UAC ---> info -->  UAS

UAC <- 200   --> UAS


2 seconds later


UAC --> info --> UAS




DEBUG | 20050906-121810.812 | SipH | RESIP:TRANSPORT | 2780 |
Transport.cxx:329 | Adding message to tx buffer to: [ V4 UDP
received on: Transport: [ V4 UDP connectionId=0 ]
connectionId=0 ]

DEBUG | 20050906-121811.312 | SipH | RESIP:TRANSPORT | 2780 |
Transport.cxx:375 | incoming from: [ V4 UDP received on:
Transport: [ V4 UDP connectionId=0 ] connectionId=0 ]

DEBUG | 20050906-121813.468 | SipH | RESIP | 1320 | BaseException.cxx:20 |
BaseException at .\InviteSession.cxx:666 Cannot start a non-invite
transaction until the previous one has completed

INFO | 20050906-121813.468 | SipH | RESIP:DUM | 1320 |
ClientInviteSession.cxx:349 | ClientInviteSession::end,

INFO | 20050906-121813.468 | SipH | RESIP:DUM | 1320 | InviteSession.cxx:707
| InviteSession::end, state: 4

INFO | 20050906-121813.468 | SipH | RESIP:DUM | 1320 | InviteSession.cxx:730
| InviteSession::end, Connected

DEBUG | 20050906-121813.468 | SipH | RESIP:DUM | 1320 | Dialog.cxx:843 |
Dialog::makeRequest: BYE sip:VoiceGenie at SIP/2.0


My assumption was that the Timer K which moves the NICT from Competed to
Terminated (and defaults to T4) had not fired. As my usecase succeeds when I
issue requests greater than 4 seconds apart.


Sorry for the confusion.



From: Keohane, Stephen 
Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2005 5:27 PM
To: resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
Subject: [reSIProcate] Multiple non-invite client transactions




My usecase has multiple info request/response transactions during a session.
What I am finding is that the Timer K which moves the NICT from the
Completed to Terminated states has not fired.




Is it possible to set Timer K to some other value other than T4? If so, how?


This seems to be allowed in RFC 3261 pg 258

"RFC 2543 was silent on whether a UA could initiate a new

transaction to a peer while another was in progress. That is now

specified here. It is allowed for non-INVITE requests, disallowed

for INVITE."

Is this an issue or has it been fixed in the latest release?


Finally, here is the exception raised:

UsageUseException::Cannot start a non-invite transaction until the previous
one has completed



Thanks for all your help, I really appreciate it, and I'm really sorry if
this is covered in the archives or wiki - I couldn't find it.


Stephen Keohane

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