[reSIProcate] WIKI docs, suggestions, and (sigh) yet another plea for Handler examples.

Alexander Altshuler alt at kaluga.ru
Fri Sep 2 02:02:04 CDT 2005

Hi John

Did you ever read using.txt document distributed with reSIProcate sources?
I hope it will help.

Best regards

-----Original Message-----
From: resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org
[mailto:resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org] On Behalf Of John
Sent: Friday, September 02, 2005 3:17 AM
To: resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
Subject: [reSIProcate] WIKI docs, suggestions,and (sigh) yet another plea
for Handler examples.

In reference to this WIKI page.....

The WIKI says this:

"Note that a newly created message has neither a request or status line. 
The application must add one or the other for the message to be well formed"

GREAT:  So how about telling us how to do this....  I STILL have no 
clear instructions on how to
add fields and their respective values to a "message".

For instance,  I have this...

  from = new NameAddr("sip:u354 at whitephone.com");

And amazingly it compiles - YAY!!!  Ok,  and now I want to add this to 
my "message"....  how do I do it?
or does this do it?


If not,  then how do I add this to the "message"?
or does this do it?

  SipMessage & regMessage = clientDum->makeRegistration(*from, new 

Is this an either/or situation,  or is this just going through DUM and 
DUM would then handle this?

a very confused SIP user - patiently awaiting notification of when the 
resip-users list might ever
be created, and most importantly, when the WIKI pages will be updated.  
Nothing new has been
added in the last 2 weeks,  is that correct?  if not,  what new things 
were added?   Is there a
"change list" for the WIKI,  telling us what new things are added?   I 
have to go through it
every day,  only to be frustrated even more by finding a lot of empty 

Like I mentioned earlier,  I want to put together a starter document, 
showing just the BASIC
things you can do with resip.  I'm willing to post what I have to the 
list, if it will do any
good..  and hope the developers can at least check it out to be sure 
it's used properly.

And of course there are the handlers...  I STILL don't know how to use 
them.  I've repeatedly
asked over and over how to use the handlers, and what I'm supposed to 
put in there...
I tried looking at the code,  I just can't figure it out....    How much 
is resip doing,  and how much
and what am *I* expected to do?

I also repeatedly asked how I can get information back from the remote 
server....  is this handled
in the handlers,  or am I supposed to somehow dig into the socket code 
and insert my
OWN code.... when data comes in....

Can't someone please furnish just some really simple examples?   I 
looked at the test code, and
all it does is just print out the fact that the handler gets called,  
but it does nothing....  Am I
to assume that resip handles all of this,  and that all I need to do in 
the handlers is to update
status displays, and display things....   what about interactions, and 
getting the ACK back.
Is there a handler that gets called when I get the ACK back?   If so,  
which one.  I presume
I would use the reghandler methods for this,  but I'm clueless as to 
which callback I can
insert my own code to do something when I get an ACK back....

Please help....


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