[reSIProcate] compat.hxx andMac OS X headers.
Cullen Jennings
fluffy at cisco.com
Thu Sep 1 12:50:51 CDT 2005
I'm wondering if the problem here is that UInt32 is being defined in global
namespace instead of in the resip namespace?
> Projectresiprocate
> New Revision5338
> Committersailesh (Sailesh Agrawal)
> Date2005-08-29 22:09:14 -0700 (Mon, 29 Aug 2005)
> Log Changes to compat.hxx and udp.h to fix compatibility with Mac OS X
> headers.
> Unfortunately there are 3 very different environment for compiling
> under OS X that we must support.
> Environment 1: command line ./configure & make. In this enviornment
> none of the native Mac OS X headers are included. Here __APPLE__ is
> defined but TARGET_OS_MAC is not.
> Environment 2: application built with CodeWarrior or XCode using Mac
> OS 10.3 headers or above. Typical Mac OS X end point developers will
> have this environment. Mac OS X native headers will be already
> included by the time resip headers are included. Here __APPLE__ and
> TARGET_OS_MAC are defined. MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED will be set
> to the SDK they are targetting.
> Environment 3: same as Environment 2 except targgeting 10.2 or less.
> The socket headers in this SDK are completely different from 10.3 or
> above. Only Mac developers (such as XTen) maintaining older
> applications will be using this environment.
> In this commit I'm ifdef-ing out typedef for UInt32 which conflicts
> with the native Mac OS definition. This is a problem for Environment 2
> and 3.
> Some of these problems would also occur in Environment 1 if we were
> building under 10.2 or less. BUT: when we detect that we're in
> Environment 1 (i.e. __APPLE__ defined but TARGET_OS_MAC not defined)
> we automatically assume that we're in 10.3 or above.
> Thus if at a later time we need to have Enviornment 1 compiling on
> 10.2 or less all we have to do is make sure to include
> <TargetConditionals.h> at the top of compat.hxx and we'll pop into
> Environment 3.
> I hope this makes things a lot more clear on why compat.hxx has to be
> the way it is.
> thanks sailesh at xten.com
> Modified:
> main/resip/stack/stun/udp.h
> main/rutil/compat.hxx
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