[reSIProcate] I have the following problem... PLEASE HELP

John Draper lists at webcrunchers.com
Wed Aug 24 20:59:37 CDT 2005

In my SIP Stack setup code,  I have the following...

Instance variables - an Obj C class:

    // references to pointers of SIP objects here.
    SipStack            *stack;
    ClientAuthManager     *clientAuth;
    MasterProfile         *profile;
    DialogUsageManager     *clientDum;
    myRegHandler        *regHandler;
    NameAddr             *from;
    mySipController        *sipController;
    StackThread         *stackthread;
    DumThread            *dumthread;

< Above are instance variables >

Below is setup code....

- (id)initWithController:(mySipController *)controller

    stack = new SipStack;
    auto_ptr<ClientAuthManager> clientAuth(new ClientAuthManager);
    clientDum = new DialogUsageManager(*stack);
    clientDum->setClientAuthManager(clientAuth);     <---- ERROR is here.

 >SipBridge.mm:72: error: no matching function for call to 

What do they mean when it says "no matching functioin....".   Can 
someone please translate this
into something more meaningful?

 >resiprocate/dum/DialogUsageManager.hxx:111: error: candidates are: 

Can someone please tell me what's going on?  I'm using ALMOST exactly 
the same code
as the basicRegister.cxx with the exception I'm using pointers instead 
of values...  does
this make a difference?

I'm including the following resip headers.

#include "resiprocate/os/Log.hxx"
#include "resiprocate/SipStack.hxx"
#include "resiprocate/dum/DialogUsageManager.hxx"

Also doing this...

using namespace resip;
using namespace std;

Not surprizingly, this is in my Bridge file.  Which is combination of 
Obj C, and C++
It is ONLY that above statement that fails.   Why?


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