[reSIProcate] gdb - with respip question

John Draper lists at webcrunchers.com
Wed Aug 24 17:42:42 CDT 2005

Doug Alexander wrote:

>When I built resip I just followed the build instructions for
>/configure, make, make install from the command line. I had been
>reading that resip would not compile under XCODE directly. 
That is not entirely true. With the Rod's help, we were able to build
the stack with X_Code, but if you expect to use it from Cocoa, you
are going to have to make a change to "Handle.hxx" where it references
the reserved word "id" used by the Obj C runtime.  It probably wouldn't
matter if you are not using Obj C.

>I then
>created a small server application to test my understanding of the resip
>and hopefully get some experience with it. I used XCODE for this
>application. Since the resip libraries where placed in
>/usr/local/lib/reciprocate and headers where placed in
>/usr/local/include/reciprocate it did not seem necessary to include the
>resip directory path in my build target. I did include
>-lresiprocate in the linker flags. The application builds and runs using
>the command line but no source debugging. It builds under XCODE but will
>not run. It Aborts. 
do you have any specific details on the error message you are getting?  why
won't it run?  Are you getting link errors?  or EXCEPTION errors....
can you send me the errors you are getting?    I want to know, because
I'm just about ready for my first runtime tests of the SIP stack using

>This might be the Obj C id data type issue. I used
>the tarball reciprocate-0.9.0-5019.tar. I have not set up subversive as
>of yet.
It COULD be the problem.... but I suspect something else,  I'll know as soon
as I see the error messages.   Doug, please send them to my private
address and not "lists" please.


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