[reSIProcate] STUN with Resip

kaiduan xie kaiduanx at yahoo.ca
Wed Aug 24 10:07:55 CDT 2005

If you are designing a softphone based on DUM, I
suggest you to add the following implementation to
your application layer, in other words, the
architecture looks like:

             Application Layer
            Resiprocate SIP stack


We have integrated the above implementation into one
video phone client and it works well.

--- Eustanos <eustanos at wp.pl> wrote:

> Hello
> It would be great to have well integrated this STUN
> protocol implementation
> with Resiprocate.
> I need to discover NAT address and port mapping on
> the router. 
> How to do this, using STUN protocol implementation
> added to Resip ?
> Thank you,
> Mariusz.
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