[reSIProcate] gdb - with respip question

Alan Hawrylyshen alan at jasomi.com
Tue Aug 23 14:11:43 CDT 2005

On Aug 23, 2005, at 11.41, Doug Alexander wrote:

> I am a newbie to resip and just learning so if this question is  
> stupid I’m sorry up front.
> I have built a simple sip server using resip on OS/X 10.3 panther.  
> However when I bring program up in gdb I can never find the source  
> for the code. It will run but if I need to set a break point I  
> can’t. It must have something to do with namespace or directory  
> path. I used the gdb path command to set the path to my source but  
> that did not resolve the problem.
> Somebody please throw me a bone?

Hi Doug;

How are you building resiprocate, and which resiprocate version are  
you building? I'll try to reproduce the problem here on my OS/X boxes  
and let you know how I get around the issue.

I seem to remember that this 'just worked' other than a bit of  
'dir ...' trickery in gdb.

Let me know,


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