[reSIProcate] On using threads....
Alan Hawrylyshen
alan at jasomi.com
Mon Aug 22 23:29:25 CDT 2005
On 22-Aug-05, at 22:10 , John Draper wrote:
> Scott Godin wrote:
>> http://warsaw.sjc.purplecomm.com/wiki/index.php?title=DUM_Threading
>> http://warsaw.sjc.purplecomm.com/wiki/index.php?
>> title=FAQ#How_does_the_buildFdSet.2C_select.2C_process_loop_work.3F
> from these docs....
> >It is important to ensure that the FdSet you pass in has been
> generated by a call to buildFdSet and that is has >been used in a
> select call
> Ok, you got me here... What is a "select call", and how can I
> determine the "FdSet" has been used
> in a select call. Can't anyone just write up a few lines of
> "sample code" to illustrate this process?
> FdSet fdset;
> stackUac.buildFdSet(fdset);
> It appears I'm calling this from within a loop? (dum/test/
> BasicCall.cxx).
> stackUac.process(fdset); <---- This is called
> repeatedly, right?
> while(dumUac->process()); <---- but this just loops
> through a number of times?
> The "dumUac->process()" - Is this called for each "fd" in the set,
> then it exits?
> Ok, then what about SipThread and DUMThread? Are these then just
> an alternate way or
> method to "process" or do the polling?
> The document goes on to state.....
> >if you fail to call select then the process call will think all
> file descriptors passed in are signaled, and this can >cause
> unpredicable behaviour
> Ok, you got me again here.... how and when would I want to call
> "select"? Obviously I have to,
> but how? Again, code fragments speak a thousand words.... I
> can't even FIND a select() method
> call. I know there is a call like this in the UNIX Socket API's,
> is that what they mean? And
> if they do, then which object or class would be the one to call
> "select"..... I global search
> finds a lot of them, so out of the ones I found, how would I call
> them? I'm looking down
> very deep in the "call chain" so have no clue of it's overall
> construct.
> John
And books with pictures speak infinitely more:
or borrow an old:
And nobody should TOUCH a socket(2) without select(2)ing:
while(unclear()) read(posix_init());
While you are at it, through in another look at TCP/IP illustrated
and the GoF or a couple POSAs.
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