[reSIProcate] The Test code - not very well commented... why?
Alan Hawrylyshen
alan at jasomi.com
Mon Aug 22 22:32:52 CDT 2005
I don't suppose this counts:
$ ./limpc --whoops
fermentation fault: coors dumped.
$ _
(Apologies to Herb)
On 22-Aug-05, at 15:57 , John Draper wrote:
> HI again.
> One of the things I find exceptionally annoying, is the lack of
> how to use the
> "test" code. Nothing at all is documented on the usage of some of
> these
> modules, and what I'm supposed to type into the "shell" to test it.
> Where can I find any documentation on the "dum/test" code and what's
> supposed to be entered in as shell entered "argc and argv". In
> particular,
> I'm looking at the limpc.cxx module.... Can anyone please tell me
> what
> is supposed to be passed in as "shell" arguments when executing this
> test module?
> for instance, what IS "limpc" what does it mean, what is it testing?
> what arguments do I pass into it? What would I expect as output?
> Why doesn't someone please document this, and also show us what we
> can expect as output by providing some "correct sample output"?
> John
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