[reSIProcate] The use of #define RESIPROCATE_SUBSYSTEMSubsystem::SIP

Fischl jason jason.fischl at gmail.com
Mon Aug 22 11:42:56 CDT 2005

On 8/22/05, Scott Godin <slgodin at icescape.com> wrote:
> You can get away with using Subsystem::SIP in your application.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org
> [mailto:resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org] On Behalf Of John
> Draper
> Sent: Sunday, August 21, 2005 10:34 PM
> To: resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
> Subject: [reSIProcate] The use of #define
> Hi,
> Since I'm developing a SIPPhone, and the "test" defines a subsystem
> called test....
> and some of these sub-systems are defined in...
> resiprocate/os/Subsystem.cxx...
> Is it a good idea to define my OWN subsystem,  much like the "test"
> does,  or
> can I just get away sith using

You can also sublcass resip::Subsystem and put whatever values you
want that make sense for your application.


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