[reSIProcate] Using resiprocate: Forwarding messages
webmaster at frascati1.org
Mon Aug 22 09:40:26 CDT 2005
Hi all,
I'm going to write a simple b2bua using resiprocate.
I must read a message and decide to forward it to a proxy or drop it.
What are the best way to forward a message to a well-know IP-address?
I tried with:
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
auto_ptr<SipStack> stack(new SipStack() );
stack->addTransport(UDP, 5060);
while (true) {
FdSet fdset;
Message* msg = stack->receive();
if (msg)
SipMessage* received = dynamic_cast<SipMessage*>(msg);
if (received)
in_addr in;
DnsUtil::inet_pton("", in); // this is the well known
Tuple rTuple(in, 5060, UDP);
stack.sendTo(*received, rTuple)
} //end while
return 0;
but the program crash with an assert(destination.transport). I had to
define the transport of the Tuple but how?Maybe it's a simple question,
but I didn't find any example or docs dealing with forwarding message.
Thank you,
Lorenzo - Rome
I think for improving the usability of your code, the documentation
(expetially the wiki ) should grow up and maybe it will be usefull to
have a resip-user mailing list too for speaking about the using of the
code without bugging people that are developing it.
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