[reSIProcate] The WIKI documentation - who's working on it?

John Draper lists at webcrunchers.com
Sun Aug 21 17:07:41 CDT 2005


I went back after about 2 - 3 weeks to re-read the WIKI docs on resip 
and dum,
and found a few new entries from last time. 

It's still very incomplete but as soon as something new is added, I find I'm
really starting to understand more about how to use resip/dum.

As an Application developer and not a resip/dum developer,  I'm hoping I can
give you guys valuable feedback that others who use this, are going to get
the most out of it.

Obviously, since I've not participated in the original engineering and the
design of resip/dum,  my understanding of the overall concept of the
design is very limited.  My only source of "real" information has been the
resiprocate/dum/test code and resiprocate/test code, and of course the
WIKI, or at least what's there.

Has anyone been delegated to updating, adding, or maintaining the WIKI,
and if so, who are they, or better yet, what is the time scale involved in
when the next update effort to the WIKI might be made.

Obviously,  additions would be "looked over" by the project members
working on it, before being added to the WIKI,  but can I make a request?

Would I be out of line in asking for whomever to put together a document
that describes the "Overall construct" of the usage of resip/dum in
the context of just a simple SIP Phone as an "example"?  Or just fill in
the "tutorial" and other sections on "Using resiprocate" sooner then
adding the more complex parts.

I think an example of a SIP Phone, outlining all the Objects and Classes
used in the SIP Phone, how many instances are needed,  IE:  One per
SIP Phone,  one per session, or whatever.

Anyway,  I can provide a list of the more urgent ones I need if there
are any volunteers to help me provide more details of them, and ALL
are already headered in the WIKI, it's just no details were yet
provided.  And I sure hope that some of these proposed details will
have plenty of example code illustrating how to construct and call
the resip objects and classes.

Of course,  if I were to locate and find a full implementation of a SIP
Phone in ANY platform which uses the resip/dum calls, and some RTP
stack,  in source code form.

I see a lot of SIP Phone implementations, but none of them are using


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