[reSIProcate] directory reorg

Adam Roach adam at nostrum.com
Thu Aug 18 18:27:04 CDT 2005

I have no strong concerns with this proposal.


Fischl jason wrote:

>Ok, here's the latest proposal. Please look at this carefully. The
>main difference from the previous proposal is that util is moved up to
>the toplevel and called rutil. dns is moved into a subdirectory of
>rutil. both rutil and rutil/dns remain in the resip namespace.
>proposed revised structure:
># where the custom Makefile stuff goes (toplevel)
># where the 3rd party depencies go (toplevel)
># the util library - still in namespace resip
># toplevel
># toplevel
># msrp would also be toplevel but still in the same svn repository
>Here is what would go in the rutil directory: 
>AbstractFifo.hxx         IntrusiveListElement.hxx  Socket.hxx
>AsyncProcessHandler.hxx  Lock.hxx                  Subsystem.hxx
>BaseException.hxx        Lockable.hxx              SysLogBuf.hxx
>CircularBuffer.hxx       Log.hxx                   SysLogStream.hxx
>Coders.hxx               Logger.hxx                ThreadIf.hxx
>Condition.hxx            MD5Stream.hxx             TimeLimitFifo.hxx
>CountStream.hxx          Mutex.hxx                 Timer.hxx
>Data.hxx                 ParseBuffer.hxx           TransportType.hxx
>DataStream.hxx           Poll.hxx                  Tuple.hxx
>DnsUtil.hxx              RWMutex.hxx               WinCompat.hxx
>Fifo.hxx                 Random.hxx                WinLeakCheck.hxx
>FileSystem.hxx           RecursiveMutex.hxx        compat.hxx
>FiniteFifo.hxx           SHA1Stream.hxx            vmd5.hxx
>HashMap.hxx              SelectInterruptor.hxx     vthread.hxx
>HeapInstanceCounter.hxx  SharedCount.hxx
>Inserter.hxx             SharedPtr.hxx
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