[reSIProcate] SUBSCRIBE to LCS failing

kaiduan xie kaiduanx at yahoo.ca
Thu Aug 18 15:07:14 CDT 2005

One idea may help.

Would you use Windows Messenger ( the latest version)
to communicate with LCS and capture the SIP message
with ethereal, and send the same message emited from
Windows Messenger to LCS?

Windows Messenger should be able to communicate with
LCS easily.

Never try this, since I have no LCS on site.

--- Chris Rigg <cdrigg at comcast.net> wrote:

> Hey Resip folks,
> I'm wondering if one of you SIP gurus out there can
> tell me what's wrong 
> with my SUBSCRIBE that I'm sending (from my resip
> app) to an LCS Access 
> Proxy (configured for Federation mode). LCS is
> complaining about my 
> Contact field and I have NO idea why. Hopefully the
> answer will be 
> obvious to one of you folks out there.
> Here is the SUBSCRIBE I'm sending:
> SUBSCRIBE sip:naim at lcs-im.com;transport=TLS SIP/2.0
> To: <sip:naim at lcs-im.com>
> From: "Chris"
> <sip:cdrigg at sip.com>;tag=1928301774;epid=1234567890
> Via: SIP/2.0/TLS
> Call-ID: a84b4c76e66710
> Contact: 
<sip:cdrigg at sip.com:5061;transport=TLS;maddr=bldr-ccm51.sip.com;epid=1234567890>
> Max-Forwards: 70
> Accept: application/pidf+xml
> User-Agent: SIPimp.org/0.2.5 (curses)
> Event: presence
> Content-Length: 0
> Here is the Error response I receive back from the
> LCS Access Proxy:
> SIP/2.0 400 Invalid Contact information
> Via: SIP/2.0/TLS 
> From: "Chris"
> <sip:cdrigg at sip.com>;tag=1928301774;epid=1234567890
> To:
<sip:naim at lcs-im.com>;tag=6874DB54FE540E7746B0FA5A3878A44F
> Call-ID: a84b4c76e66710
> Content-Length: 0
> In the error logs on the LCS AP, I see the
> following:
>     exit. trying to provide a contact host different
> from the source of 
> the request.
>     exit. failed to process contact entry. Returned 
> Not sure what it means by "different from the source
> of the request". I 
> assume it's complaining about my maddr field but I
> don't know why. I can 
> ping that exact maddr FQDN from the AP so I don't
> know what the problem 
> is. Here is a SUBSCRIBE that LCS sends to me (for
> comparison)...
> SUBSCRIBE sip:naim at lcs-im.com SIP/2.0
> Contact: 
<sip:cdrigg at lcs-im2.com:5060;transport=tls;maddr=bldr-ccm4.lcs-im2.com;epid=a77cce963d>
> Via: SIP/2.0/TLS 
> Max-Forwards: 68
> ms-asserted-verification-level:
> ms-source-verified-user=verified
> Via: SIP/2.0/TLS 
> Via: SIP/2.0/TLS 
> From: "Chris"
<sip:cdrigg at lcs-im2.com>;tag=e9120583b8;epid=a77cce963d
> To: <sip:naim at lcs-im.com>
> Call-ID: d24ea4e1799d4788ac146d7cdfe90d6a
> User-Agent: LCC/1.3
> Event: presence
> Accept: application/xpidf+xml, text/xml+msrtc.pidf,
> application/pidf+xml
> Supported: com.microsoft.au
> Any ideas??
> Thanks,
> Chris
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