[reSIProcate] problems including DialogUsageManager.hxx

John Draper lists at webcrunchers.com
Thu Aug 18 02:19:49 CDT 2005


In the module below,  I have the following skeliton code...  this module 
is a
bridge between Objective C and C++.

Please look for <----- NOTE

This module will compile just fine "as is",  but if I uncomment NOTE 1 
All shit breaks loose....

-------- SipBridge.mm -------

#import <objc/objc.h>     <----- NOTE 0
#import "SipBridge.h"
#include "resiprocate/os/Log.hxx"
#include "resiprocate/SipStack.hxx"
// #include "resiprocate/dum/DialogUsageManager.hxx"    <----- NOTE 1

// define 'myAppDialog' (see testAppDialog in BasicCall.cxx)
// NOTE: it is virtual, so not sure this will work.

// define 'myAppDialogSet' (see testAppDialogSet in BasicCall.cxx)

using namespace resip;
using namespace std;

@implementation SipBridge

// for now, we setup for the logging.
- (id)init
    // Initialize the logger
    //                Type            level           appname       logfile
    Log::initialize(Log::Cout, resip::Log::Debug, "SipPhone", 

- (id)initWithName:myname
    // Allocate and instantiate a resipocate SipStack using New
    stack = new SipStack;
    // DialogUsageManager* dumUac = new DialogUsageManager(*stack);    
<----- NOTE 2

// called from SipController, when we register.
- (void)registerMe
    // add the code here.

-------- end --------

This module will compile just fine "as_is".   But once I uncomment the 
line in NOTE 1,  I get the
following errors.  Just by uncommenting the line.

    cd /Users/jd/Documents/SIP/Open_source/resiprocate-0.9.0-5019
    /usr/bin/gcc-3.3 -x objective-c++ -arch ppc -pipe -Wno-trigraphs 
-fasm-blocks -fpascal-strings -g -O0 -mtune=G4 -fmessage-length=0 
-ffix-and-continue -fzero-link 
In file included from 
In constructor `resip::Handle<T>::Handle(resip::HandleManager&, long 
unsigned int)':
error: undefined type `id', please import <objc/objc.h>   <----- NOTE 3
error: parse error before `;' token

------- end -------

NOTE 3 - it asks me to import <objc/objc.h> which you will see in the 
code above I have done that.

Can someone please tell me what's going on?


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