[reSIProcate] Could someone help me with this code...

John Draper lists at webcrunchers.com
Wed Aug 17 15:58:52 CDT 2005

Alan Hawrylyshen wrote:

> You need to:
> a) not use namespace resip in YOUR code.

But if I don't include it,  I get all sorts of errors....

> b) Make sure the compiler has the appropriate include directories  
> specified so is can find resiprocate/* from somewhere.

I did that by selecting my target (SipApplication),  going to "Get info" 
and setting it there.
for the most part,  that worked,  except in this case.

> c) Put your project somewhere else. Don't put it in resiprocate/
>    this will be a maintenance nightmare.

I HAVE to put it in resipricate or I won't have access to the source 
level debugger which
I find vital in my learning how to fumble around the resipricate stack.  
Now,  if I could just
find a few more good examples of how to use it,  I may not even need to 
get into the
source and plow through it's insides.

So,  again I ask,  does anyone know of ANY Sip phone which runs on Linux 
or Mac that
uses reSIProcate stack or "DUM"?


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