[reSIProcate] Also get this error...

John Draper lists at webcrunchers.com
Wed Aug 17 15:53:14 CDT 2005

david Butcher wrote:

>Incomplete type means that the type has been identified as a class
>(with a forward declaration) but is missing a complete declaration.
>Typically indicates a missing include.
>On 8/16/05, John Draper <lists at webcrunchers.com> wrote:
>>Code shown below.....
>>#include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
>>#include "resiprocate/dum/DialogUsageManager.hxx"
>>namespace resip
>>   // class ClientRegistrationHandler;
>>   class SipClient : public ClientRegistrationHandler
>>{          <------    resip::ClientRegistrationHandler' has incomplete type
>>   public:
>>       SipClient();
>>       ~SipClient();
>>              bool done;
>>       bool removing;      };
>>}   // end of namespace
>><----- end ----->
>>What do they mean by an incomplete type?  can someone explain this please?
>>resiprocate-devel mailing list
>>resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
I'll check into this...   I do find that if I try and #import or 
#include a header file with C++
references and header includes,  I get about 650 errors...  But if I 
just use

class <my class>;

Does this alleviate the necessity of having to #include or #import <my 


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