[reSIProcate] Could someone help me with this code...

John Draper lists at webcrunchers.com
Tue Aug 16 20:46:31 CDT 2005


In ONE of my modules I have....

----- Sipbridge.h -----
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#include "resiprocate/os/Log.hxx"

using namespace resip;
using namespace std;

@interface SipBridge : NSObject {
    // SipClient *client;
// Init
- (id)init;        // Right now, it initializes Logging.

// Init with name, host, PW
- (id)initWithName:myName

This compiles just fine...

Then, I have this other file,  which is a C++ header file...

------ SipClient.h ------

// 100% C++ file.
#include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
#include "resiprocate/dum/DialogUsageManager.hxx"    <--- No such file 
or directory...   WTF?

namespace resip
    // class ClientRegistrationHandler;    <---- tried commenting the 
offending #include, and uncommenting this.
class SipClient : public ClientRegistrationHandler
        bool done;
        bool removing;     

}   // end of namespace

------ SipClient.cpp --------

#include "SipClient.h"

using namespace resip;
using namespace std;





-------- end of .cpp file --------

note that both of these are including from the same "resiprcate" directory
and both of these files exist... and yet the SipBridge.mm and .h compile 

and yet....

resiprocate/dum/DialogUsageManager.hxx: No such file or directory

the file IS there... so why isn't it finding it?

$ pwd    <--- to confirm the directory exists

$ ls DialogUsageManager.hxx
DialogUsageManager.hxx      <--- See - it's there...  so WTF?

Can someone please help me out with this?


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