[reSIProcate] directory reorg

Adam Roach adam at nostrum.com
Tue Aug 16 19:42:26 CDT 2005

I largely agree with Jason's revised proposal, with one major modification.

If we're going to have re-use of the util classes by projects that don't 
otherwise have dependencies on resip (e.g. msrp), that directory should 
be somewhere other than resip -- anywhere else, really. Top-level 
"rutil" would work; second level "relib/util" would work; even something 
like "barnyard/camelids/llama-pen/widgets" would seem to be more 


Fischl jason wrote:

>A few comments: 
>- repro should be parallel to resip
>- don't see the value of os - just put it all in util
>proposed revised structure: 
># where the custom Makefile stuff goes (toplevel)
># where the 3rd party depencies go (toplevel)
># toplevel
># toplevel
># msrp would also be toplevel but still in the same svn repository
>On 8/16/05, david Butcher <davidlbutcher at gmail.com> wrote:
>>Hi all,
>>We haven't picked at this scab for a while. I would like to propose a
>>directory structure for resiprocate.
>>My understanding is that msrp is off in its own repository.
>>Things to notice:
>> - the stack proper is in repro/sip
>> - os and util are separated
>> -- Mutex, Condition, etc. will be in resip/os
>> -- Data, DataStream, ParseBuffer, etc. are in resip/util
>> - tests are separated
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