[reSIProcate] epid parameter?
Chris Rigg
cdrigg at comcast.net
Tue Aug 16 17:40:54 CDT 2005
Hi Sandeep,
For maddr, I set it equal to my hostname where my resip stack lives. I
have 2 LCS servers (and 2 AP's) configured in back-to-back Federation
mode in my lab so I have at least SOMETHING to work from. I set the
maddr equal to my hostname because that is what LCS is doing in this
back-to-back mode.
Yes, I am using SSLv23, I believe. However, I seem to be having some
difficulties with TLS versioning between LCS's AP (when it is acting as
the TLS client) and resip (when it is the TLS server). Resip apparently
doesn't like the "compatible client hello" message that LCS sends (I
assume because it sends it in V2 mode). Resip immediately responds w/ a
I would definitely recommend installing the ResKit on your AP and on the
LCS server. There is lots of useful info that it gives.
Sandeep Sharma wrote:
>Yes, we are in the same boat :)
>You mentioned you rebuilt the stack with ExtensionParameter. My
>impression is that you can use it on the fly. You do not have to
>re-build the stack. I could be mistaken, but will know tomorrow when I
>actually run my application. (atleast it builds)
>Yes maddr does sound familiar. So what did you put in your maddr?
>Hopefully it can be done at application layer too (no change to
>resiprocate). Does LCS reskit give something more than Access Proxy
>logs? If yes, I will install it too.
>For your resip stack, you are using SSLv23, correct? TLSv1 will not
>On Tue, 2005-08-16 at 16:03 -0600, Chris Rigg wrote:
>>Hi Sandeep, Jason,
>>The epid parameter is a MSFT proprietary extension and it means
>>"endpoint ID". They use it on the From header and the Contact header.
>>Wow Sandeep, we really do seem to have similar interests -- I actually
>>rebuilt the resip stack today after adding the ExtensionParameter for
>>p_epid("epid") that Jason mentioned. After looking at some of the LCS
>>AP error logs (I installed the LCS resKit -- actually gives some
>>pretty good information -- also allows you to see the SIP messages
>>coming and going), it seemed that LCS was interested in the epid
>>paramater and the maddr param (on the Contact header). However, after
>>adding the epid and maddr parameters to the messages resip was
>>sending, I still saw LCS error logs and the SUBSCRIBE didn't work. But
>>I do think these parameters are required anyway. LCS must be barfing
>>on a different param that is missing from my SUBSCRIBE (as you know,
>>they added several extensions).
>>Fischl jason wrote:
>>>Never heard of it. You can always reference unknown parameters like this:
>>>static const resip::ExtensionParameter p_xstid("x-stid");
>>>// Extension parameters are be used like other parameters:
>>>msg->header(h_To).param(p_xstid) = "2134";
>>>See http://wiki.resiprocate.org/wiki/index.php?title=Use_Overview for
>>>more docs on how this works.
>>>On 8/16/05, Sandeep Sharma <ssharma at jabber.com> wrote:
>>>>What is the "epid" parameter? It seems it is required by LCS for instant
>>>>I could not find a reference to it in any of the specs. Did I miss
>>>>anything? Does resiprocate support this parameter? If yes, which header
>>>>file should I look at?
>>>>Sandeep Sharma <ssharma at jabber.com>
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