[reSIProcate] Moving repro up a few levels in the source heirarchy

Robert Sparks rjsparks at nostrum.com
Tue Aug 16 15:23:43 CDT 2005

A heads up -

I'm going to move repro up out of the sip/resiprocate tree this 
afternoon/tonight (it will
continue to be in the resiprocate svn repository so that we keep the 
common repository
versioning properties).

The old build system will still work when I'm done - it will continue 
to make assumptions
about where repro and resip are relative to each other.

The autotools build will change such that you point repro to a build of 
the resiprocate
library during configure (so you can build these separately). That 
build can be a working
copy - it won't have to be the result of 'make install'

I'll send another note when the move is committed.

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