[reSIProcate] Using DUM to talk to LCS

Adam Roach adam at nostrum.com
Thu Aug 11 15:32:21 CDT 2005

I would be remiss if I didn't at least say, "Gack."

That said, RFC3428 actually allows this unfortunate behavior, to some 

   The authors recognize that there may be valid reasons to send MESSAGE
   requests in the context of a dialog.  For example, one participant in
   a voice session may wish to send an IM to another participant, and
   associate that IM with the session.  But implementations SHOULD NOT
   create dialogs for the primary purpose of associating MESSAGE
   requests with one another.

So, in the final equation, providing mechanisms for sending and 
receiving MESSAGE requests in a SIP dialog is actually something that is 
grudgingly supported by the specification. I would propose that you add 
the methods as you propose, without any #ifdef guards. On the other 
hand, I would include text similar to the excerpt I include above as a 
"@warning" paragraph in the doxygen documentation associated with any 
related methods.


Scott Godin wrote:

> Hi Guys,
> I want to use DUM to talk to Microsoft LCS. Unfortunately LCS 
> implements instant messaging within an Invite Session. In order to use 
> DUM I will need to add a message(Contents *) API to InviteSession and 
> 1 or 2 callbacks.
> Is there any opposition to this? If need be – to discourage IM in 
> Invite Sessions, I could place these new API’s within #ifdefs 
> (disabled by default). Thoughts?
> Thanks,
> Scott
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