[reSIProcate] Emulating Namespace Keyword

Jerry Richards jerryr at tonecommander.com
Wed Aug 10 18:32:55 CDT 2005

Well, after deep thought, here is how I plan to emulate the "namespace"
keyword in the reSIProcate stack (since my compiler does not support it):

For each namespace (i.e. resip, std, HASH_MAP_NAMESPACE, SecurityType,
Loadgen), I will create a *.cxx and *.hxx file (e.g. resip.cxx and
resip.hxx).  These will define the interface and implementation for a new
resip class, which will include to sum of all the resip namespace

Then, each "namespace resip {......}' item, declaration will be replaced
with an "#include resip.hxx".  And each "using namespace resip;" statement
will be replaced with "class resip;"

Any issues with this plan?  Any better suggestions?  I realize, these
changes diverge significantly from the original implementation.

Best Regards,

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