[reSIProcate] Hi - I posted thie before - but I have had NO responses to this..
Alan Hawrylyshen
alan at jasomi.com
Sun Aug 7 02:45:26 CDT 2005
alan$find . -name Resolver.?xx -print
re: .o / look elsewhere for my post / read the new README.autotools
or go read an AT tutorial that discusses multi-architecture support.
On Aug 5, 2005, at 01:03, John Draper wrote:
> I simply refuse to believe that nobody in the deveoper list
> hasn't answered this because they don't know it, so I'm
> posting it again.... Sorry for the redundency. But amazingly,
> nobody came forth to answer it yet.
> I can find the "resolver.hxx" but I cannot find any "resolver.cxx"
> Could someone please enlighten me as to where I can find it...
> it is NOT in my distro... 0.9.0
> Because the build process adds a lot of .o and .ol files to the
> source, it takes me an insane amount of time to do a global
> search.
> Why do they setup the build process to add the .o and .ol
> files in with the .cxx and .hxx files? Has anyone ever
> thought of the ramifications of this?
> John
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