[reSIProcate] Re: Was - Where is "Resolver" implemented?

Alan Hawrylyshen alan at jasomi.com
Sun Aug 7 02:32:24 CDT 2005

On Aug 5, 2005, at 20:46, John Draper wrote:

> I do?  then why wasn't it at least put into the "readme" file.  I  
> had NO CLUE I had to go off and
> creat that "compile" directory.  If it's mentioned anywhere,  I  
> surely would like to know where it
> is so I can hit myself for missing it.

The last few lines of output from autogen.sh indicated that you  
should make a build directory and run
'../configure' from there.

SOP for autotools builds.  I will add it to the README just to be  
explicit about it. People developing in multi-architecture  
environments are very used to keeping separate build directories.   
Otherwise, they know how to get their searching programs to ignore  
non-source files. :-)


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