[reSIProcate] This is causing my X-Code to generate 975 errors whencompiling.

Leon Thrane sipfoundry-1 at thrane.net
Fri Aug 5 18:57:29 CDT 2005

Don't know much about XCode or macs for that matter...

reSIProcate is dependent on ares (a dns resolver). ares 'lives' in
contrib/ares in the distro.

As for the specific question on '#if defined(...)': that is standard C/C++
preprocessor syntax that all C/C++ compilers will understand. If your
compiler is choking on that, it aint a C/C++ compiler. ;) Seriously though,
'#if defined(...)' is equivalent to '#ifdef ...' - you may want to try to
change just one occurance and see if that makes a difference. My guess is
that it will not which brings us back to ... Are you sure you are compiling
with a C++ compiler? I did a cursory lookup for Xcode and saw that it also
incorporates the Objective-C compiler. I know nothing about Objective-C, but
could it be that your environment is set up to compile using that instead of


-----Original Message-----
From: resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org
[mailto:resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org] On Behalf Of John
Sent: Friday, August 05, 2005 5:59 PM
To: resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
Subject: [reSIProcate] This is causing my X-Code to generate 975 errors


This is in X-Code 1.5 - I'm not allowed to use 2.1 yet....

#1 - went to Targets item in Groups & Files window.
#2 - selected the "SIP_proj" application target
#3 - went to File --> Get Info, and new window upened up.
#4 - Selected the "build" tab
#5 - Selected "processor macros",  and added USE_ARES=1,  closed the window
and re-built.

#if defined(USE_ARES)     <---- I'm not sure X-Code knows how to deal 
with this?   Where is
                                                  "defined" defined at?
extern "C"
#include "ares.h"
#include "ares_dns.h"

#if defined(USE_ARES)
extern "C"
#include "ares.h"
#include "ares_dns.h"

Searching for #if defined(USE_ARES)
extern "C"
#include "ares.h"
#include "ares_dns.h"
---------- Found in /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Headers:
In file AppKitDefines.h:
    24:#define APPKIT_EXTERN        extern "C"
    44:#define APPKIT_EXTERN        extern "C" _NSWINDOWS_DLL_GOOP
    58:#define APPKIT_EXTERN        extern "C"
    59:#define APPKIT_PRIVATE_EXTERN    extern "C"
    67:#endif // _APPKITDEFINES_H
In file NSATSTypesetter.h:

As you can see - it "breaks" just about every header file in the project....
975 errors to be exact -

Can someone PLEASE help me?


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