[reSIProcate] Stateless proxy support

Dennis Dupont ddupont at intelemedia.com
Thu Aug 4 15:17:59 CDT 2005

I have been looking at the stateless-proxy example and the SipStack use
of the 
stateless ctor parameter.  It doesn't seem to me that the stateless
parameter is 
even used by the ctor at all.  
So how does SipStack support a stateless proxy?  It seems to me that
there is 
*always* a transaction created.  But from 3261, 16.11:
"A stateless proxy does not have any notion of a transaction, or of
   the response context used to describe stateful proxy behavior.
   Instead, the stateless proxy takes messages, both requests and
   responses, directly from the transport layer (See section 18).  As a
   result, stateless proxies do not retransmit messages on their own."
"A stateless proxy determines where to forward the request as
         described for stateful proxies in Section 16.6 Item 10.  The
         request is sent directly to the transport layer instead of
         through a client transaction."
So how would I code a stateless proxy in order to bypass the transaction
Dennis Dupont
Intelemedia Communications, Inc.
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