[reSIProcate] How to put the objtive files and libaries based on computer architecture?
Alan Hawrylyshen
alan at jasomi.com
Mon Aug 1 19:17:39 CDT 2005
On Aug 2, 2005, at 01:50, FrankYuan wrote:
> The executable programs should be put bin-computer-architecture dir.
> The bottom line is how to put *.o *.lo and library, etc to the
> compiling computer related directory instead of the same directory
> for different OS compiling computers.
This is not how autotools works.
Make your own compilation directory and build + configure there:
$ ls configure
$ mkdir i686.Linux
$ cd !$
$ ../configure ...
$ make
You make in a different directory from the source (and run configure
there 1st). That way you can have as many build dirs as you want, not
just one per architecture. Works very well.
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